Friday 4 November 2011

LLIAR Evaluation

Language – The Masthead of my magazine stands out well and is clearly seen on the page. It is in big bold purple lettering which makes it clear and stand out on top of the white background, the shading of black behind my Masthead makes the Masthead stand out more clearly and look more bold and large. I have used a simple Masthead of “Wyke” which is short and simple and makes it clear what the magazine is about. I have located my Masthead at the left side of the page as if this magazine was on a shelf, the title would be seen straight away.
The Anchorage of my magazine is “Masterminds of Wyke! “How we got the grades we did!”, this fixes the audiences eyes and makes the meaning of the image clear. I have located my Anchorage underneath the main Image so that readers instantly know that this goes along with the image. I have chosen to use white lettering for my Anchorage as it stands out well and the readers eyes will instantly be drawn to this as this is one of the main stories inside my magazine, I have done this as my Anchorage is also my Byline.
The main image promotes the idea that the Wyke is a friendly and academic place. The Anchorage explains to the readers that these students have gotten good grades and the books in their hands shows that they are ready to learn. The people on the front cover look happy which shows a friendly place and also that these girls are maybe friends.
The House style I decided to use for my magazine are, purple black and white. I have used these colours on my cover lines, skylines and screamers. I chose to use purple for my cover lines as this will draw the readers eyes, purple is also the colouring of the “Wyke” lettering. I chose to use black for my skylines as this distinguishes the information from the rest of the font. I chose to use white for my sell line as this is the only font on the page which is white and draws the reader’s eyes to an exclusive interview inside the magazine which will also help and interest students.

Institution – The institution for my magazine would be the college itself. If the college distributed the magazine, it would help the college gain money and help the students know what knew things are going on inside the college. The students may also make and distribute the magazine. No special company would distribute the magazine as it would be a small group of people that would actually buy it and they would lose money rather than gain.

Ideology – The ideology of my magazine is that Wyke is a friendly and academic place to come learn. We get the idea that the college is a friendly place as the main image is of two girls smiling and looking friendly, we also get the impression that these two girls are friends themselves. We see that the college is academic as the Anchorage is “Masterminds of Wyke! “How we got the grades we did!”, which gives the impression that the grades where impressive.

Audience – Looking at Demographics and Psychographics, my magazine would be aimed at college students aged 16 – 19 as this is the main age group of Wyke College. To attract and address my audience, my magazine would be advertised in places which the students would be most likely to see, such as Moodle, posters on the college walls. My media texts would be for both male and female students, and as all students have different interests I have appealed my magazine to first years with cover lines such as “Find your way around!” and for second years, “University, how to write your personal statement”. In my contents page there are also stories that would appeal to different people. As the age group for my magazine are 16 – 19 year old college students they would most likely be unemployed and not be able to afford a very expensive magazine. So I chose my magazine to be at the cost of £1.00 as this is an affordable and reasonable price, the fact that my magazine is published in holidays such as Halloween and Christmas, would also be reasonable for the students as they don’t have to pay for the magazine every week, and there would be a lot more to read inside the magazine rather than if it was a weekly issue. I would have also have liked some of the stories inside my magazine to also appeal to parents, but as this is a September issue and students are only getting used to college life again, I decided to just aim my stories towards the students and helping them.

Representation – My magazine shows a positive attitude towards college life and shows the typical stereotype that Wyke College is a friendly place to come and learn, we can see this from the main image. This makes my magazine similar to other college magazines as they usually try to represent the same meaning.  I think that my image shows and portrays students accurately and shows new students what people at Wyke are like.

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